Sunday, September 28, 2008

Intro #2 (class. essay)

A little bit of brake, push in the clutch, downshift, gas to the floor, turn left and let off the gas, turn right and gas to the floor, E-Brake and feather the gas, E-brake off, turn left feather the gas, turn right, down shift, steady pressure on the gas and thank God he kept my car on the road once again. Driving in winter storms in Maine always keeps me on my toes and looking for the softest snow bank put my car in if needed, so far I have not had to, but I know it is coming. There are really only three types of storms that make me nervous. The typical snowstorm, sleet and freezing rain, and the storm that everyone loves to hate, the Noreastah!! Every one of them can challenge even the most experienced driver, and I thought after growing up in Maine, and driving in all types of storms and weather I was experienced enough, but every year I get humbled by one of these storms, and on bad years all three.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Nice--no suggestions on this one, other than to slow right down and go easy on the gas, but that's not a writing suggestion....