When I was a kid, winter time was a very busy time during the week. All week, everyday meant going to school, doing homework, doing my chores like feeding cows, pigs, chickens, eating dinner and filling the wood box for our wood stove, and if I did everything I had to do I could watch TV from 7:00 to 8:00 and then go to bed. The weekend was different and we had three different traditions that I would look forward to every weekend. Now that I am a father and have two little girls, we have adopted the same tradition for the weekend. All though the tradition differs because of the time we live in, they all are still the same, and I think I enjoy them as much now sharing them with my kids as I did when I was sharing them with my mom and my sisters and brother.
Our first tradition was on Saturday mornings, and Saturday mornings meant getting up and watching cartoons. My dad had to work every Saturday because he drove a van full of milk samples bound for Ithaca NY, so Saturday was for getting up and eating breakfast while we watch cartoons, and that was a real treat, because my dad would have never allowed that. With my kids, they get up and eat breakfast and they get to watch their Saturday morning cartoons. I work second shift and sleep in on Saturdays, so I don’t get to enjoy it just like my dad couldn’t. The cartoons that I watched were Looney toons, tom and Jerry, and all the cartoons had orchestras doing the music and the animations was the flip book style. My kids watch computer animated cartoons in HD. The content of the cartoons are very different as well. When I was watching cartoons, the worst thing you saw was a little violence, some of the toons on now have jokes targeted more towards adults and seem to be a little crude with all of the body noises. We don’t let the kids watch some of that stuff, and we probably never will. Of course most of Saturday is spent doing things until I have to go to work (if I am working) like playing games or maybe sledding.
The other tradition I had when I was a kid was on Sunday nights when my mom would make dinner and for the most part we always got to pick what we wanted. Now I find myself wanting to do this with my girls, but we are not always able to because all they would want is pizza or tacos, so my wife and I intervene and pick for them, I think it will be different when they get a little older. We would help my mom cook, and set the table and get it all ready for the feast. On these nights is where I learned to cook and by the time I was eight years old I could make an awesome grilled cheese. I have just started now to get the girls to help me when I cook, and my wife works with them as well, right now all they can do is stir everything but to them it is cooking with mom and dad.
Now for my favorite tradition was every Sunday night we would pop some popcorn, at first in a kettle with some oil and we would melt butter and poor it all over the top. Then we got an electric popcorn popper and life was much easier. We would get some blankets and put them on the floor, with our popcorn and sometimes my mom would let us have soda, what a treat that was, we would turn the TV on just in time to watch the Sunday night Disney movie. With my girls now we do the same thing but I use a microwave to pop the corn, and it comes with its own butter, and instead of a Disney movie we sit down and watch Americas Funniest Home Videos. I love watching my girls lay on the floor and laugh at what they are watching, my favorite are the videos of people walking into sliding glass doors, I just can’t get enough of that.
When look back and compare the little traditions that I had when I was a kid, I wonder if the girls feel the same about the weekends as I did. I remember I couldn’t wait for Sunday movie night with the popcorn, and I see my girls doing the same, when they are asking every ten minute if the show was on yet after we eat. I can’t wait until they get a little older so we can start some summer time tradition like going camping, and fishing. Having kids was the best thing I ever did, well next to marrying my wife, and as I watch them grow and experience things for the first time that most of us take for granted, I think back to my childhood and all of my first times I had and how much fun they were. I just hope the girls feel the same and maybe someday when they have kids and they will have these little traditions and remember how much fun they were with mom and dad.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Example Essay
I work second shift and I don’t get out until about 11:30 p.m, then I drive an hour home. Staying alert can be hard and after working my butt off all night I tend to drift off to La La land and forget to pay attention. I see a lot of strange and not so strange things on my ride home, and it keeps me from drifting off and forget what I am doing. Just about every Friday a Saturday night I follow a car that seems to have problems with its tires, because of the hard time it has staying in the right lane, and can never keep a constant speed. Avoiding deer, especially this time a year is something that really gets the heart pumping, but it is always nice to see them out and about. What aren’t nice to see out and about in the middle of the night is cats, and about once or twice a year one finds one of my tires.
This past summer I got of work at about 11:45 and I jumped in the car, put the key in the ignition, and started traveling north to home sweet home. I travel about 15miles on the turn pike, and the other 37 miles are on back roads. One night I got off my exit and pulled behind a red Chevy cavalier, that had a bumper sticker that read “if you don’t like my driving dial 1-800-eat s#!t.” After about ½ a mile I realized I just might be making that call. The Cavalier, while swerving from the shoulder to the middle of the road, would slowdown and speed up, the funny thing was if the car went around a sharp corner it almost never was on the right side of the road. I followed the car for about 30 min praying they would get home safe, the good thing about that time of night there is usually no traffic, but this night we had a car coming in the opposite direction. As the car got closer, the Cavalier started to drift into the other lane and just as the two cars were about to hit, the cavalier jerked backed into its lane fish tailed a little, and kept going. After that I realized the individual driving was drunker then I thought so I called the Penobscot police and they had a nice little surprise for the cavalier waiting in the next town we were coming to.
Deer seem to be attracted to my car, or they just love to scar the crap out of me while I am traveling 70mph up the pike. Just two weeks ago was the latest run in with one of these suicidal beasts. Like I said I was moving at about 70mph when all of a sudden a 400 pound doe jumped out in front of me, well maybe it was a 100 pound doe, but at 70mph it looked at least 400 pounds. For some reason I tried to avoid the Goliath and I swerved toward the ditch without thinking, something I never do, and my front passenger tire went off the pavement and that sucked my car towards the ditch. I went around one of the many reflectors, and the rear of my car started to fish tail in the grass that I was now in. I turned the tires into the skid and put the pedal to the medal, and once my front tires hit the pavement it shot my care back across the pike and around facing the same way I just came from, so I let the car role back, and I turned it around and stopped, took a deep breath and went on my way. I couldn’t help but wonder what the guy in back of me was thinking while all that was going on.
I have hit a few cats and I always feel strange knocking on peoples doors at midnight to tell them, so I usually don’t, I am just afraid I am going to get shot, so I make sure they are not suffering (I don’t think I need to explain how because it is never fun, and I feel like crap after) and hide them in the bushes so no one will find them and I proceed home. One night I had three cats run in front of me and I had all about 1 second to make a decision to react and avoid hitting two of them and only hit one. I then turned around to take care of the cat. I feel bad after this happens for a few minutes, but that’s about it, I just hope that the cat was wild and not some little kids pet.
I see many shooting stars, the occasional moose and some animals that I cannot figure out what they are. About two months ago I would see at least one fox almost ever two miles, and I live fifty two miles from work. I see strange lights in the sky, shooting stars, low flying aircraft, and giant owls searching for rodents on the side of the roads. Every night has something to offer to get my mind to unravel from the busy day and take my mind off the long ride home. Many people ask me how I can live so far from work and drive that hour every day, but I have been doing it for over five years and when every night has something else to see around every corner, I don’t even notice.
This past summer I got of work at about 11:45 and I jumped in the car, put the key in the ignition, and started traveling north to home sweet home. I travel about 15miles on the turn pike, and the other 37 miles are on back roads. One night I got off my exit and pulled behind a red Chevy cavalier, that had a bumper sticker that read “if you don’t like my driving dial 1-800-eat s#!t.” After about ½ a mile I realized I just might be making that call. The Cavalier, while swerving from the shoulder to the middle of the road, would slowdown and speed up, the funny thing was if the car went around a sharp corner it almost never was on the right side of the road. I followed the car for about 30 min praying they would get home safe, the good thing about that time of night there is usually no traffic, but this night we had a car coming in the opposite direction. As the car got closer, the Cavalier started to drift into the other lane and just as the two cars were about to hit, the cavalier jerked backed into its lane fish tailed a little, and kept going. After that I realized the individual driving was drunker then I thought so I called the Penobscot police and they had a nice little surprise for the cavalier waiting in the next town we were coming to.
Deer seem to be attracted to my car, or they just love to scar the crap out of me while I am traveling 70mph up the pike. Just two weeks ago was the latest run in with one of these suicidal beasts. Like I said I was moving at about 70mph when all of a sudden a 400 pound doe jumped out in front of me, well maybe it was a 100 pound doe, but at 70mph it looked at least 400 pounds. For some reason I tried to avoid the Goliath and I swerved toward the ditch without thinking, something I never do, and my front passenger tire went off the pavement and that sucked my car towards the ditch. I went around one of the many reflectors, and the rear of my car started to fish tail in the grass that I was now in. I turned the tires into the skid and put the pedal to the medal, and once my front tires hit the pavement it shot my care back across the pike and around facing the same way I just came from, so I let the car role back, and I turned it around and stopped, took a deep breath and went on my way. I couldn’t help but wonder what the guy in back of me was thinking while all that was going on.
I have hit a few cats and I always feel strange knocking on peoples doors at midnight to tell them, so I usually don’t, I am just afraid I am going to get shot, so I make sure they are not suffering (I don’t think I need to explain how because it is never fun, and I feel like crap after) and hide them in the bushes so no one will find them and I proceed home. One night I had three cats run in front of me and I had all about 1 second to make a decision to react and avoid hitting two of them and only hit one. I then turned around to take care of the cat. I feel bad after this happens for a few minutes, but that’s about it, I just hope that the cat was wild and not some little kids pet.
I see many shooting stars, the occasional moose and some animals that I cannot figure out what they are. About two months ago I would see at least one fox almost ever two miles, and I live fifty two miles from work. I see strange lights in the sky, shooting stars, low flying aircraft, and giant owls searching for rodents on the side of the roads. Every night has something to offer to get my mind to unravel from the busy day and take my mind off the long ride home. Many people ask me how I can live so far from work and drive that hour every day, but I have been doing it for over five years and when every night has something else to see around every corner, I don’t even notice.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Effect Essay
My wife and I had been living in our new house for about six months. I had just bought a new car so I would have reliable transportation for the hour ride to work, and all of our bills in a new house were flowing in with all the hookup fees still attached because I had not been able to pay the full amount. I knew they were coming, and I had given up being home with my wife and one year old daughter to work some over time to pay for the bills and get a bunch extra stuff for the house. I got my paycheck and we added all our bills up, and after all was said and done I only had an extra $20. I was so mad, I had never been that mad before, only $20 extra out of all the over time I put in, I just wanted to scream and hit something like the wall real hard. My wife tried to comfort me, but I was so mad, I left for work early without even saying good bye. On the way to work I was going over all the things I could do to get some extra money, and complaining to myself about all that hard work for $20 extra. I calmed down a little and began to pray, actually it was more like complaining to god about the situation he let me get in. And then it happened and it was almost like a voice whispering in my ear and the voice said “you’re welcome” Those two words have had an effect on my life more than any two words can, it not only changed the way I think about money, they have almost ceased all my worries, and have strengthen my faith.
“You’re welcome” After I heard those words I started to think about it, God not only paid all my bills plus paid the unexpected bills, put food on the table, and gave me an extra $20 to spend on whatever I wanted. Money is no longer something I stress out about anymore, and over the past 5 years of living in my house I have not had to. Over the past 5 years as my bills increased God moved me through the ranks where I work, and as I moved up so did my pay. There were many times I was not sure if I was going to have enough money for oil, but I did not worry about it and trusted God to provide me with what I needed, and he always did. So for the rest of my life I think I will let God pay all my bills and focus on other stuff like being a better dad to my kids.
“You’re welcome” Took every worry away I had. I am no longer worried about my car breaking down and I won’t be able to get to work. I am no longer worried that something will break in my house like my furnace, or hot water heater. I at one time I could not sleep because I worried about things that were out of my control. I felt sick and tired all the time, and my gut hurt to the point I almost went to the E.R. Then I heard those words and it was like 2tons of wool blankets just fell off my shoulders and I could stand up straight again. All my gut pains went away, and I started to sleep again, and I could get through the day without wanting to curl up in corner and go to sleep or scream.
“You’re welcome” made me realize the power God has over everything. I began to read my Bible more, and every where I looked, God said he would take care of me, I just cannot believe I did not see it before. Those two little words did more for my faith then any words any pastor can teach or preach on Sunday. I have no doubt that those two words came straight from God, into my ears and it made me realize with all the things going on in the world and all the people that are on this planet, God still find time to make sure I have everything I need. And all I need to do is trust in him to give me the ability to work and have the skills and the know how to fix and do things that need to be done, and have faith and trust that he will be there to help every step of the way.
Two little words have made me the man I am today, and I would not change a thing. I am not perfect and I do a lot of things that make God disappointed in me. I don’t read my bible as much as I should, I get caught up in the busy world that I live in and forget to appreciate the little things that he does, and I don’t even stop to thank him for it all. I could be a much better husband then I am and I could be a better Dad to my kids. After writing the last three paragraph I realized the reason I could be a much better husband and Dad, is because out of all the things I have asked, and god has done for me, I have yet to ask him to help me with all of the other stuff, that might seem little to me but it is all the same to God and I know he is just waiting for me to ask. So I don’t care what happens around me because “as for me and my house we will serve the lord” Joshua 24:15
“You’re welcome” After I heard those words I started to think about it, God not only paid all my bills plus paid the unexpected bills, put food on the table, and gave me an extra $20 to spend on whatever I wanted. Money is no longer something I stress out about anymore, and over the past 5 years of living in my house I have not had to. Over the past 5 years as my bills increased God moved me through the ranks where I work, and as I moved up so did my pay. There were many times I was not sure if I was going to have enough money for oil, but I did not worry about it and trusted God to provide me with what I needed, and he always did. So for the rest of my life I think I will let God pay all my bills and focus on other stuff like being a better dad to my kids.
“You’re welcome” Took every worry away I had. I am no longer worried about my car breaking down and I won’t be able to get to work. I am no longer worried that something will break in my house like my furnace, or hot water heater. I at one time I could not sleep because I worried about things that were out of my control. I felt sick and tired all the time, and my gut hurt to the point I almost went to the E.R. Then I heard those words and it was like 2tons of wool blankets just fell off my shoulders and I could stand up straight again. All my gut pains went away, and I started to sleep again, and I could get through the day without wanting to curl up in corner and go to sleep or scream.
“You’re welcome” made me realize the power God has over everything. I began to read my Bible more, and every where I looked, God said he would take care of me, I just cannot believe I did not see it before. Those two little words did more for my faith then any words any pastor can teach or preach on Sunday. I have no doubt that those two words came straight from God, into my ears and it made me realize with all the things going on in the world and all the people that are on this planet, God still find time to make sure I have everything I need. And all I need to do is trust in him to give me the ability to work and have the skills and the know how to fix and do things that need to be done, and have faith and trust that he will be there to help every step of the way.
Two little words have made me the man I am today, and I would not change a thing. I am not perfect and I do a lot of things that make God disappointed in me. I don’t read my bible as much as I should, I get caught up in the busy world that I live in and forget to appreciate the little things that he does, and I don’t even stop to thank him for it all. I could be a much better husband then I am and I could be a better Dad to my kids. After writing the last three paragraph I realized the reason I could be a much better husband and Dad, is because out of all the things I have asked, and god has done for me, I have yet to ask him to help me with all of the other stuff, that might seem little to me but it is all the same to God and I know he is just waiting for me to ask. So I don’t care what happens around me because “as for me and my house we will serve the lord” Joshua 24:15
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